Elli Mosayebi

Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekt*innen, Zurich
”Performative Spaces”.

The close connection between practice, research and teaching characterises the career of Elli Mosayebi. Since 2004 she has led the Zurich-based architecture office Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin together with Ron Edelaar and Christian Inderbitzin. Through numerous projects won through competitions, housing and urban design have assumed a special significance. The firm’s wide-ranging activities include the design and realisation of building projects, urban planning, exhibitions and publications.

Their focus in research, teaching and practice emphasises housing construction. The office has won several national and international awards.

In 2008 she completed her doctoral dissertation on the work of the Milanese architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni. From 2012 to 2018 she was Professor for Design and Housing at TU Darmstadt, where she conducted a comparative study of post-war European housing. Since 2018 she has held the position of Professor for Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich. Housing and the change it is currently undergoing are integral aspects of her fields of both practice and research.

Föreläsningen börjar 18:00. Mingel med dryck från 17.30. Evenemanget är kostnadsfritt och ingen föranmälan krävs.

Arrangör Stockholms Arkitektförening genom Samuel Lundberg och Konrad Krupinski.

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