Inauguration of the Viewing Pavilion

Invigning i Norrköping av Viewing Pavilion under Kulturnatten 2024.

The Timescape Garden is a biodiversity preserve and research site on Syltenberget, near Norrköping city center. The pavilion is the latest test of a construction system Peter Lynch has been developing that integrates irregular debarked trees into regular timber framing. Peter Lynch has long been inspired by the irregular daimebashira (台目柱) posts in traditional Japanese architecture.

The pavilion’s other construction details are testing a panelized approach to self-build prefabricated timber housing. The pavilion has built-in seating that invites visitors to enjoy different views of the garden, each framed by a circular opening. The design of the viewing pavilion is inspired by the “Secluded Dwelling” at the Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou.

The event is organized by Martin Heidesjö, strategic planner for Samhällsbyggnadskontoret Norrköping, and part of Norrköping’s Kulturnatten 2024. Refreshments will be served.

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