Apply now for the 2022 New European Bauhaus prizes

Publicerad: 2022-01-27

Following the success of the first prizes with more than 2 000 applications received last year, the 2022 edition will celebrate new inspiring examples of the transformations we want to see in our daily lives, living spaces and experiences.

Categories and strands

As in the first edition, the New European Bauhaus prizes 2022 will award young talents’ ideas as well as existing projects for sustainability, inclusiveness and aesthetics bringing the European Green deal to people and local communities.

Prizes will be awarded in four categories:

  • reconnecting with nature;
  • regaining a sense of belonging;
  • prioritising the places and people that need it most;
  • shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking.

The categories reflect the four axes of transformation of the initiative and were identified during the co-design phase, with the participation of thousands of people and organisations who contributed their views and experiences.

In each of the categories, there are two parallel competition strands:

  • The ‘New European Bauhaus Awards’ for projects completed within the last two years
  • The ‘New European Bauhaus Rising Stars’ for concepts or ideas submitted by young creators

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